Prevent Home Fires: Refurbish Faulty Lighting Fixtures and Wiring

Over 50,800 electrical fires occur in U.S. homes every year, causing approximately $1.27 billion in property destruction and damage. By being well-informed about the problems that most frequently cause fires, homeowners can help prevent them. One very common cause of many household fires today is faulty lighting fixtures and wiring.

Ways to Help Fireproof Your Home’s Interior for Safer Living

You can take some effective steps toward creating a more fireproof home, such as the following:

Examine Lamps, Light Fixtures, and Light Bulbs

Old or worn lamps, light fixtures, and light bulbs are often the causes of home electrical fires. Always check the maximum wattage given for all lamps, sconce lights, or track lighting used in your home. Using a 100-watt bulb in a lamp or fixture that requires a 60-watt bulb can result in a fire.

Never use a lamp or lighting fixture that has a frayed cord or damaged plug. Fires can start very quickly from faulty wiring and wall plugs. Furniture such as couches, easy chairs, chests, desks, beds, or bookshelves are often placed in front of electrical wall outlets. When these outlets are hidden from sight, fires can start and spread before they are detected.

Check for Faulty or Worn Out Electrical Outlets

A large number of fires in homes today are due to faulty electrical receptacles or outlets. If electrical sockets are not grounded correctly or well, they are often the location of fire outbreaks. When switches and outlets show signs of age, the wiring connected to them is often worn as well.

If these wires become loose and fracture, a fire may result. Homeowners may think of electrical outlets as permanent fixtures that never need repair or replacement. Yet, they are often a major cause of fires.

Have Your Home Inspected for Bad or Worn Out Wiring

Most electrical wiring is behind walls and hidden from sight. For this reason, you may not know when your home’s wiring needs repair or replacement. It is wise to have your wiring inspected by a licensed professional electrician to ensure its safety. You should also be aware of signs of poor or worn wiring, such as the following:

  • Frequent power outages and flickering lighting
  • Lamps or light fixtures that feel hot when touched
  • Sparks from your electrical outlets
  • Unidenfied burning orders
  • Circuit breaker overloads

Reach out to Sublime Electric in Boise, ID for a solution to your home lighting problems. Our expert electricians will resolve all of your lighting issues and needs.

Contact Sublime Electric today to schedule your service estimate today. Call 208.609.9266

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